Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Portland Trailblazers: Rip city uprise..playoffs 2009, from a very new, very proud fan.

GO BLAZERS..thats a word commonly spoken from the mouth of many pacific Northwesterner residents. If you ever walk into the Rose Quarter on game night, you see every AJ an ZJ walkin around with pride, sporting their red and black jerseys with a big smile on their faces. As the sun drops behind the Rose Garden, you see all the children in their red and black attire begging their parents for a cotton candy, every Dad carrying his toddler proud son in matching "Roy" Jerseys, and an entire spirit of dedicated, Northwest celebrating, spirited, fun loving fans.

As the national anthem starts to be sang, you see millions of people with their hands on their chest, the virtual flag waving across the screen, and you hear spirit, not just American spirit, but the spirit of pride in the hearts of all who came. You see love and joy, and in a certain way, an entire family of Portland Trailblazer fans. This year, they have even more to celebrate.
First time, in 6 years, they have made it to the playoffs. Due to my best friend in the entire world being a number 1 Blazer fan,ever since him and I met 4 years ago an he took me to my first game, ive had a softspot in my heart for this wonderful basketball franchise. It wasnt until the beginning of this season I really started feeling rip city tugging on my heartstrings. As the season progressed on, I paid more attention, caught a tv game with him and alone here and there, had many scores texted to me as the game progressed, then this last month, he then brought me to my third Blazer game. It was then that I fell in love..Rip City was running through my veins pumping red and black blood, I got this atmospheric reality check sitting up in the stands that infected my spirit. I was a newborn, diehard, hardcore Blazer fan. I also cannot be more proud of that!!

So tonight...was incredible. the boys won a very close, very tough game. So far they have 1 out of 2 games clenched out of the 7 game series against "Yao Ming" and his Houston rockets. I was pretty pumped chilling in my room watching the game while cleaning up the pit of doom. They stayed even with eachother and tied and went up and down a lot. The crowd was wild, vivid, rip city was on fiiirreeee (in a good way). Boomsticks were sticking up in the stadium crowd, little boys and their Blazer claws, many many MANY gorgeous jerseys and juicy, red and black colors. Certain Rip City Mafia members and affiliates wearing stylish fedoras combined with a Roy Jersey number 7 on. From the tv you could see the sweat all over the players faces. You could also expressingly see the crowd standing up and going wild. as is a ton of RIP CITY UPRISE marketing all over the Rose Garden. (kinda like disneyland with their current CELEBRATE! logos sprinkling the important areas)
Yep, Rip city is on fire.

To be honest with you, im actually not a very good detailed "game giving" sports if you want to see more Blazer progress (which there WILL be more God willing) Check out Todd's blog, he is the BEST sports columist I know, so much spirit and detail goes into every word he writes, that it keeps you reading. An even if your not a blazer fan, I think its time you caught the fever :) not only that, but I really reccommend you check out his blog and see some reality of whats going on around rip city. (before I get to detailed about the game). his url is

Todd is a season ticket holder..and the best fan that has ever happened to the Blazers. He never misses a game, throws a fit of rage (lol not really that bad) when they lose, and cheers his pants off when they win. No matter what, he roots for them, Todd saw them through thick and thin, ever since he was a child, and NEVER misses a game. If your want to see DEDICATION, or number one fan, my hat (any hat, but my BLAZER one) will be going off to him, he is their number one fan. Had a blazers shirt on the last 5 or 6 times I have seen him, lol.

Years ago, the Blazers faced some tough times, not only is their team in the playoffs for the first time in 6 years (correct me if im wrong) but they had a phase where the team wasnt that, they were not a team, there were players coming, going, being traded, going to jail. It was a rough phase that some poked fun and called them the "Jailblazers" may of them were getting arrested, and the team faced some VERY ugly years. Those days? a member of the past..a rough road block to hurdle over and see the progress and the love that is now infecting the rose garden. The young, FRESH, team, new players, an incredibly inspiring two time winning all star named Brandon Roy (number 7), more semi new faces (Lamarcus Aldridge), a rookie (Greg Oden), more new players, and all very young, motivated, GOOD HEARTED guys, (honorable mentions, Joel Pryzbilla, Rudy Fernandez, Nickolas Batum, Steve Blake, Travis Outlaw) An many more new faces, this team now has hope, change (yk like the new president said for our Country) they had their rough recession stage, there stage where their team was not doing so well, no one saw much of a future in them at one point, but never ever ever lose hope. Just like the Blazers made it through, ripped through the ducty tape, America will also do the same.
Tough times hit, they hit everything, and everyone, and we have to wait out the storm, to see the sunshine. In my heart, I believe, The Blazers are walking into the sun tonight, the sun is shining over rip city, and its family and community of fans and affiliates. I, myself, couldnt be more proud to be a part of it.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Tragic accident claims life of rookie baseball player

There isnt anything more tragic then death, in any kind of situation. It is very horrible when incidents happen that are unsuspected, of any kind. In the world of sports, it cuts America in a very deep an melancholy way, to see one of their heroes or one of their childrens heroes perish at a young age for any reason. For our youth of America to create such great feats and
accomplishments, then lose their life at an early age, has a drastic effect on those around. More so the families then anyone else, but they seem to effect the hearts of Americans in a way that is broad ranged an undescribable. Death touches many hearts in a very harsh way.

Recently, there was a tragic death in the world of Major league baseball, Los Angeles Angels rookie pitcher Nick Adenhart passed away at the age of 22 in result of an awful car accident in Fullerton, CA (being remotely familiar with the area, Fullerton is not very far outside the Anaheim area). Nick Adenhart had just finished a game and finished pitching 6 amazing shutout innings against the Oakland Athletics hours before he died in the car accident. He was the chosen number 3 starter for the Angels, after impressing the Angels over the spring training months. Now the number 34 that he wore on his jersey will be mourned. Not as an legend, or someone that is able to carry the teams name, but as an rookie, a newcomer, an incredibly new fresh face to the team, who now lost his life at such a young age. It really is unexplainable how life can throw curveballs like that, life goes on, many straight fastballs, you hit homers, you strike out, you get to walk it off. Then all of a sudden, out of no where, comes a curveball. Totally shocking, totally unsuspectful, but very surreal an totally unavoidable. Its one of lifes many wonders, an part of Gods plan is giving us a lot that we really dont understand. An we really cannot question because there is no way we can justify that in our minds, so we have to live on for these heroes, live our lives, and value them for that much more, ,knowing they could end at anytime. Maybe drive to work more careful tomorrow, maybe stop anything or any habits that could be risking your own life. Taking your kid out to a ballgame, taking your dog to the beach, doing what you can to enjoy life and always ALWAYS live it to its very fullest for you only get one life, and you only get to live it once straight from beginning to end.

Now he is only a memory, an empty pitchers mound and glove, a small makeshift memorial in Anaheim right outside of he LA Angels stadium consisting of flowers, hats, and handmade signs. However in our hearts, he will still be that stubbly faced, newcomer from Hagerstown, Maine, who pitched a shut out for 6 innings against the Oakland Athletics on his debut night of major league baseball, the hopeful for the Southern California baseball team, the young man that was only 22 years of age and had so much potential and life ahead of him. Many fans will miss him, they will still visualize him out on the mound, and they'll do what they can to honor what they have lost. Number 34 is now an empty jersey,

He is just one of many athletes that have lost their lives too early, Dale Earnhart SR, Reggie White, Cory Lidel, Steve Prefontaine, all names that have gone really far and ended up dying at too young of an age despite how hard they have worked, trained, an fought for their dream. May they rest in peace in the big field in the sky. An may you all live your lives to the fullest.